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Der Große Jagd- & Maskenball
The Great Rococo Hunting & Masked Ball
T H E   B A L L   •   T I C K E T S   •   S C H E D U L E
Zur deutschen Seite   le site français

Noble assembly, permit me to widen the gates
of this festive evening even further as we immerse ourselves
in the captivating whirlwind of the Rococo.
A ball so resplendent and vibrant that it shall endure through the ages.
Your magnificent costumes breathe new life into the Rococo,
transforming the dance floor into the stage for a dizzying symphony.
On this evening, amidst this tumultuous splendor,
we not only pay homage to the elegance of bygone eras
but also celebrate the birthday of a most extraordinary monarch –
Queen Marie Antoinette.
May the brilliance of your costumes reflect the radiance
of Her Royal Highness as we lose ourselves
in a whirl of masks and garments.
Adorned in precious silk and intricately crafted lace,
the guests become living paintings, and the dance floor becomes
a living tableau of a bygone era.
Nymphs, fauns, and gods may unite in a festive dance,
while masks intensify the play of intrigues and passion.
The 18th century, an era of luxury and carefree revelry,
experiences a glorious resurrection in this magnificent hall.
The Carnival of Venice, with its opulent splendor,
serves as our fount of inspiration.
A final flare before the currents of change sweep across Europe.
Step into this Grand Divertissement,
where masks unveil their secrets, and costumes pay homage
to days long past. May the music seduce you,
and the dance elevate the festivities to a pinnacle
of Rococo brilliance and grandeur. On this night, enveloped
in historical garb, may time stand still, and may we lose ourselves
in a trance of costumes and festive delights,
as dictated by the spirit of the Rococo, in honor
of the royal Marie Antoinette.

D E R   G R O S S E
J A G D -  &   M A S K E N B A L L

The minimum number of participants has been reached. The ball and all events will take place!
If the ball or one of the events cannot take place, the registration fees will be refunded.

S W I F T L Y   D A N C I N G
Workshop featuring Ballroom Dances for Beginners & Advanced
November 1, 2024 • Baroque Hall • Wiesenthau Castle

C A S A N O V A 'S   F E A S T
Private Dinner in the Style of 1750
November 1, 2024 • Baroque Hall • Wiesenthau Castle

B A R O Q U E   H U N T
A baroque hunt around the castle grounds
November 2, 2024 • Castle Courtyard • Wiesenthau

V I N   D '   É P I C E S
A spiced wine in the spirit of the Rococo era
November 2, 2024 • Castle • Wiesenthau

D E R   G R O S S E   J A G D -  &   M A S K E N B A L L
Divertissement in the Style of the Rococo November 2, 2024 • Castle • Wiesenthau

E V E N T   P A C K A G E S
Event packages for every taste
Let yourselves be tempted and seduced

Just click on one of the events to to be forwarded to more information.

D R E S S  C O D E
Duty to wear costumes
Guests of the evening will be expected
in masks & costumes of the Rococo.

M A S K E D   B A L L
At the ball, there may not be a strict requirement for masks,
but for those who wish to fully immerse themselves in the unbridled revelry,
I would advise acquiring a suitable mask beforehand.
You can find the appropriate masks and various accessories
for the ball in my online store. Enjoy perusing!
My online shop will open on mouse click.

Wenn's um Gewandung geht...
My online shop will open on mouse click.

Please use this list of hotels to make your booking.
Please book in time!!!
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The ticket online shop will open on mouse click.
Tickets will be available in my Online-Shop

Peter Hoffmann
Phone: 09 11 / 21 28 108
Mail:  info@barocktanz.com

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